A GUIDE FOR INDEPENDENT ADJUSTERS TO MAINTAIN AND IMPROVE HEALTH WHILE AWAY FROM HOME Many adjusters travel far from home for extended stays to follow adjusting opportunities. It can be easy to fall into detrimental habits and succumb to temptations, especially when long hours driving on the road or on the job have eroded your […]
Dear Valued Customers, As property and casualty claims adjusters, you have been on the front lines serving the public in times of adversity and uncertainty. When storms have ravaged, traffic crashes have overturned and accidents have fractured the lives of policyholders, you have been there to provide comfort and reassurance and to help put lives […]
After over a year of development, testing and piloting by a few of the nation’s largest insurance carriers, AE21 is proud to announce the nation-wide launch of our new state-of-the-art eLearning system! Designed with the unique needs of adjusters across the country in mind, our new eLearning system is stepping into the future of eLearning […]
While the facts that follow are from an actual case in another jurisdiction, substantive workers’ compensation laws and legal doctrines are very similar from state to state. Names and location have been changed to help facilitate an objective look at facts and legal doctrine. How would you decide if the following case came before you […]
How Would You Decide: Florida Worker’s Refusal of “Sheltered Employment” Was Not Reasonable? Here’s What Happened: Claimant, a commercial housekeeper, suffered a compensable injury to her right (dominant) shoulder, underwent surgery, and was placed on no-work status for approximately one week. Subsequently, claimant’s authorized orthopedist returned claimant to work with significant restrictions relative and recommended three […]
Traditional notions of insurance are nearly extinct, and the brave new world of retained risk has given new meaning to the notion of self-insurance as commercial consumers become the majority, and often exclusive, stakeholders in the financial outcome of claim exposures. One might argue that, except in the case of a catastrophic loss, true insurance […]