Continuing Education for Mississippi Adjusters

We offer a wide variety of relevant and interesting claims training topics that will not only satisfy your CE requirement but will truly enhance your knowledge as a claims professional.

Course Catalog & Enrollment
We welcome you to scroll down and explore our course offerings. When you are ready to enroll, click the button below to create your account and get started. The video to the left will show you just how easy it is.

Our CE courses are priced at a low per-hour rate of $5.50 per credit hour plus the Mississippi roster reporting fee, allowing you to order as few or as many courses as you need at our lowest possible price. Mississippi charges a roster reporting fee of $5.00 per course.

*Be sure to select Mississippi as your licensing state to gain access to the Mississippi course catalog on your custom dashboard!

Explore our Mississippi course offerings below!

A Matter of Ethics

In this course you’ll learn how the ancient philosophers like Plato, Aristotle and Confucius viewed Ethics in the old world and see how their perspectives compare to new world issues and behaviors. You’ll also see if, and how, those perspectives are applied to the business and insurance industries and their roles in today’s society. Finally, you’ll have an opportunity to compare those perspectives to ethics in claims handling in a discussion of Fair and Unfair Claims Practices and some of the practical issues they present.

2 Hours Ethics CE
Course ID #26800


Introduction to Insurance Claims Adjusting

Welcome to the world of the insurance claims adjuster. This course introduces the insurance claims adjusting profession as it began more than a century ago, up through the latest advances in claims tools and processes, provides a detailed examination of the customary activities of an adjuster, and the importance that the role an adjuster plays in today’s society.

1 Hour Adjuster CE
Course ID #26825

Strategic Claims Negotiations

This course is designed to enhances an adjuster’s skills in claims negotiation. An detailed foray into concepts and principles that have proven successful time after time over the decades will provide the tools with which to approach new claims disposition challenges.

Principles include, but are not limited to, the importance of investigation, knowledge and information, accurate evaluation of exposures, assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of one’s position, deployment of offers and demands, and numerous other tips for claims and legal practitioners.

2 Hours Adjuster CE
Course ID #26757

Understanding Punitive Damages

Across the United States, few things have stricken as much fear into the hearts of insurance carriers as an award of punitive, or exemplary, damages.

Consequently, over the past twenty years, much effort has been expended to implement specific tort reform initiatives that limit, if not completely do away with, this volatile legal concept of recovery and punishment.

The course provides an overview of punitive damages and their insurability on a state-by-state basis, including both substantive and procedural trends surrounding punitive damages across the nation.

3 Hours Adjuster CE
Course ID #12527

Residential Property Claims Adjusting

Property loss adjusting can be one of the most demanding, and yet one of the most gratifying, careers in the property and casualty insurance industry. These adjusters must possess an extremely detailed understanding of property coverages, a significant body of knowledge in property values, costs and methods of repair, and a working knowledge of accounting and construction methods and materials.

This course will take students through a detailed examination of the most commonly encountered residential dwelling and homeowners coverages, introduce them to traditional property adjustment doctrines, and present them with most of the typical claim scenarios encountered by property adjusters.

3 Hours Adjuster CE
Course ID #26826

Coordinating Civil & Criminal Arson Investigations

Arson is a crime. Yet it is also an absolute defense to an insurance claim when the insured has caused the fire. For both criminal and civil arson cases, a thorough investigation is the key to success. This course explores the perspectives of both the civil and criminal investigators and how their efforts can be best coordinated to achieve maximum effectiveness and the best possible outcome.

1 Hour Adjuster CE
Course ID #11714

Causation Concepts

Theories of causation have played a key role in the construction of first-party insurance contracts for nearly a century. Quite often, one event can lead to another event, and in some cases, both events are meant to be covered, while in other cases, one event is intended to be covered while the other is not. Today, the inability of policy drafters to create language that is both clear (for policyholders) and unambiguous (for the courts) relative to what is covered and what is not continues that controversy and, unfortunately, the industry’s inability to satisfy its primary customers (consumer and shareholder) has led to the formation of policy language that, on its face, can be taken as completely one-sided in favor of the insurer, thus leaving the policyholder out in the cold.

Using references to the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire of 1906, Hurricane Katrina (2005), and other examples, this course provides Adjusters and other claims professionals with an analysis of causation and how it affects coverage under traditional 1st party homeowner’s and commercial insurance policies, including the three (3) doctrines that play a role in loss determination: Proximate Cause, Concurrent Causation, Efficient Proximate Cause, and the most recent harbinger of change in the treatment of causation…The Anti-Concurrent Causation Clause

2 Hours Adjuster CE
Course ID #26829

Introduction to Commercial Property Adjusting

Commercial property claims, on average, are more complex than homeowner’s claims due to the variety of coverages, nature and size of buildings, and greater value — and they typically take more time and effort.

Nevertheless, when handling any claim involving commercial property insurance, the treatment of perils is basically the same as that taken in the handling of dwelling and homeowner’s claims. This course introduces the property adjuster to the most common commercial coverages and adjusting concepts.

2 Hour Adjuster CE
Course ID #26802

Insurance Issues in Arson Investigations

This course outlines the sensitive, and often prejudicial, issues surrounding the investigation of suspected arson. Students will learn where the sensitivities are in terms of coverage, confidentiality, legality and the potential for bad faith. Practical suggestions and tips are provided to the student in order to assist in this type of investigation without prejudice or harm to policyholder, adjuster, or carrier.

1 Hour Adjuster CE
Course ID #11715

Chinese Drywall: Legal Issues, Exposure and Insurance Coverage

This course traces the odyssey of Chinese drywall through the U.S. courts and the insurance industry since its initial introduction into the American marketplace.

We will discuss the origin of the Chinese drywall problem, how it has affected businesses, industry, and consumers, the various insurance coverages triggered by this exposure, and the impact and status of litigation in the areas most affected.

2 Hours Adjuster CE
Course ID #11369

Handling Inland and Ocean Marine Claims

Marine insurance is one of the oldest forms of insurance in existence today. It provides protection for property and cargo in storage and being transported across the country or shipped across the seas. Marine insurance also provides protection from loss to conduits of transportation (bridges and tunnels) and communication (radio and television towers).

In this course you’ll be introduced to the practical elements of both inland and marine insurance, the types of claims and how to handle them.

1 Hour Adjuster CE
Course ID #26824

Automobile and Motor Vehicle Physical Damage Adjusting

In this course, students learn how to handle first party physical damage claims for damage to personal and business use automobiles commonly insured under the Personal Auto, Business Auto and Garage/Garagekeepers policies. Students will also learn traditional auto adjustment doctrines and best claims practices as they work though many of the typical claim scenarios they would encounter as an Auto PD adjuster.

2 Hours Adjuster CE
Course ID #11713

Business Auto Claims Handling

This course is designed to provide adjusters with a general understanding of the coverage provided under the Business Auto Coverage and provide instruction and guidance to those who are unfamiliar with business auto claims. This course is also designed to provide insight and direction on the day-to-day claim handling issues related to coverage interpretation and to address the most common coverage issues found when handling Business Auto claims.

1 Hour Adjuster CE
Course ID #11580

Adjusting Garagekeepers Liability Claims

When a customer leaves an automobile in the care of an automobile dealer or other related auto business, there’s a tremendous risk of loss if the vehicle is damaged while the business is attending, servicing, repairing, parking or storing the auto in a garage operation. Yet getting payment from the attending business can be difficult because any “legal liability” for such damage would be excluded under the liability section of other applicable policies (i.e., Business Auto, Commercial General Liability and Garage Policies) by virtue of the care, custody, or control exclusion.

Garagekeepers coverage provides protection for damage or loss to a customers’ auto left in the insured’s care. This course is specifically designed to provide adjusters and other claims/risk professionals with an understanding of this type of coverage, including valuable insight on typical claim issues they will encounter, like the application of direct coverage options, liability deductibles, work you performed, and the elements of bailment and bailee exposure.

1 Hour Adjuster CE
Course ID #11581

Garage Coverage and Claims Handling

A Garage Policy affords blanket coverage for operations necessary or incidental to an auto-related businesses without requiring multiple insuring agreements. This kind of policy combines the features of both Business Auto and Commercial General Liability coverage into one insuring agreement. It also provides physical damage coverage for garage autos as well as liability coverage for damage to customers’ autos while in the insureds care, custody or control.

In this course, adjusters and other claims/risk professionals will learn how to handle Garage claims by addressing the unique coverages provided under the Garage Coverage Form and that claim exposures faced by those in the automobile business.

2 Hours Adjuster CE
Course ID #11582

General Insurance and Liability Laws

Never before and never again, since Edward G. Robinson’s memorable quote in the 1941 MGM film, Double Indemnity, has there been a more poignant and accurate description of the work of an adjuster. To be sure, the world of the insurance adjuster has changed in many ways, but in many ways it has not. While the term “claims man” may be obsolete, its meaning and the purpose behind the job has remained and now provides countless opportunities for men and women alike. The variety, interest and intrigue of an adjuster’s job remains the same, and, if approached professionally, still requires a broad range of knowledge, skills and talent.

Maximizing one’s effectiveness as a claims professional requires a solid understanding of the insurance industry, it’s policies, theories of civil liability, and the American Tort System. This introductory course into the world of insurance explores the underlying concepts of insurance, its policies, and theories of legal liability that ultimately call the insurance mechanism into action.

3 Hours Adjuster CE
Course ID #16831

The Doctrines and Benefits of Workers’ Compensation

Knowing the laws of workers compensation is only the first step on the road to becoming a successful claims adjuster or case manager. Skilled claims and medical professionals who handle workers compensation claims know the legal doctrines that form the basis of these laws and understand the why behind the laws. This course examines most common legal doctrines that arise in the investigation and analysis of compensability and the payment of workers’ compensation benefits.

1 Hour Adjuster CE
Course ID #26830

The Intoxication Defense

The Intoxication Defense has long been regarded as one of the strongest, yet often most misunderstood defenses against a workers’ compensation claim.

While the increasing prevalence of alcohol and drug use in our society has also increased the attention to the issue of alcohol and/or drug involvement in the workplace, all too often the defense is misused and benefits are either wrongly denied, or valid defenses compromised. This course examines Intoxication Defense in multiple jurisdictions across the country, including California, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Texas and more.

1 Hour Adjuster CE
Course ID #11716