Accuracy and objectivity is a critical part of what we do and our experience provides the foundation of our counsel. At AE21 we offer our clients uncompromising commitment to quality and excellence by giving them the information they need to make business decisions with confidence.
Our Services
Performance Benchmarking & Quality Assurance
How can you be sure the claim service you are providing, or getting, meets your expectations? In today’s busy claim climate, you can’t possibly be everywhere you need to be, and despite their importance to your quality matrix, self-audits and performance reviews still lie at the bottom of your priority pile. Let us design an objective, consistent, performance review schedule that lets you know where you are, and corrects any deficiencies in claims handling, long before anyone else does.
AE21’s Performance Benchmarking & Quality Assurance audits focus on what consistently produces the best results: ”Best Claim Practices”. We identify what’s going right, what needs improvement, and when you want it, our consultants can deliver the most effective follow-up training you’ll find anywhere. Each of AE21’s consultants have 30-40 years of accumulated knowledge and experience in almost every line of claims business, keen insight into the underlying issues that are affecting your claims operation, and a unique ability to relate to all claim audiences. Our performance reviews and training programs are renowned for their positive impact on claims operations, and with AE21 as your performance partner, you can be assured of meeting your performance objectives!

Reserve Portfolio/Adequacy Reviews
Are your financial reserves at full strength? Are they adequate enough to satisfy self-insurance regulatory requirements, or meet the enhanced standards of Sarbanes-Oxley? Are you looking to purchase or sell a book of claims and need to know the claim exposures for an accurate valuation? Notwithstanding perspectives that the evaluation and reserving of claims is, at best, a “crap-shoot”, you can be certain that there is a consistent and accurate methodology for such analysis, and AE21’s consultants are some of the industry’s foremost experts at it. Clients include regulators, residual market carriers, national and global carriers, and self-insured employers seeking to ensure the accuracy and adequacy of their financial reserves from both micro and macro perspectives.

The “GAP” Workload Analysis
Whether positive or negative, turnover is claims’ worst enemy, and the likelihood of adverse impact on claim performance, morale and bottom line costs is a certainty you can’t avoid. Or can you?! AE21’s GAP Analysis can help you “bridge that gap” …
While you’re seeking replacement staff, or better yet, considering the possibility of absorption, AE21’s experts can quickly analyze your assigned and unassigned claim inventory, identifying the “barn burners” needing immediate supervisory involvement vs. claims that can be easily reassigned without disruption in claim service or file management.
But don’t stop there! As an additional service, our experts can provide you with a comprehensive needs analysis on individual claim files that provide a detailed summary of the claim’s current status and a roadmap of directives for effective claims management and resolution.

Best Claim Practices Development
Are you looking to “raise the bar” for Claims Performance! Does your company follow “Best” or “Preferred” Claims Practices consistent with historical traditions of excellence by “best in class” carriers and third party administrators? Does your staff follow these practices? Despite their traditional and consistent prevalence across the industry for many decades, these “practices” are often very difficult to find — and they are closely guarded by those who have them.
AE21’s claims experts can provide you with your own set of Best Claims Practices for property, liability or workers’ compensation claims handling, either “off the shelf”, or completely customized to meet the unique needs of you and your clients’ business. We also provide benchmark analysis and implementation training to your staff so they understand just what is required of these guidelines.

Expert Witness Services
AE21’s team of claims professionals are comprised of some of the most talented and experienced claims experts in the industry. Each expert’s claims handling expertise spans more than 35 years and includes all of the major lines of personal and commercial insurance, including bad faith litigation. Click here to “Meet Out Team” and find just the expert you need!

James W. Greer, CPCU
President & CEO
Jim Greer’s experience spans forty years in the insurance adjusting and claims administration industry, beginning with a variety of field and home office assignments with Aetna Life and Casualty’s P&C Claim division. After excelling as a claims professional in various field and home office management positions, he became a key participant in several business and process re-engineering initiatives that brought dramatic change and increases in quality, customer satisfaction, and profitability to Aetna’s Commercial Insurance Division in the early 1990’s. Today, through AE21 Online, he and his team provide the nation’s largest catalogue of online insurance adjuster licensing, claims training and continuing education programs in the U.S. , and through AE21, his team’s claims consulting, auditing, and expert witness services have been sought by insurance carriers, third-party administrators, and public and governmental entities across the nation. Jim is native of Biloxi, Mississippi and a graduate of Southeastern Louisiana University. After attending Louisiana State University School of Law and joining Aetna as an “all lines” field insurance adjuster, he continued his professional education by securing the Workers’ Compensation Claims Law Associate (“WCCLA”) and Certified Property and Casualty Underwriter (“CPCU”) designations. He is a former contributing author of the popular Florida Workers’ Compensation Handbook, published by LexisNexis, a member of the Suncoast Chapter of the Society of CPCU in Tampa, Florida, and a licensed adjuster in both Florida and Mississippi.