Claims Adjusters & Productivity
- August 26, 2021
- Posted by: April Hilbert
- Category: Best Practices Claims Adjuster Claims Management Insurance Adjuster

We could all use some timesaving tips. I’m constantly looking for answers on how to get more done throughout my workday. Kory Kogon, one of the authors of the book The 5 Choices: The Path to Extraordinary Productivity, describes the different choices we’re given on a daily basis and how we’re most likely stifling our own productivity based on our decisions.
While all five choices can most definitely better insurance adjusters’ productivity, I was especially interested in the first point, which I think will resonate with our candidates in their claims jobs. Kogon stated:
“Act on the important, don’t react to the urgent.”
“Our brain is wired to react to what feels ‘urgent’ and it actually gives us a dopamine high when we react immediately. We feel busy and productive in the moment, but then realize at the end of the day that we didn’t achieve anything that’s important.” – Kory Kogon, The 5 Choices: The Path to Extraordinary Productivity
Insurance adjusters have these days all the time. Claims jobs are busy, no matter which type of claims you’re handling, you’re sure to have work waiting for you each day. So, how does: ‘Act on the important, don’t react to the urgent,’ affect insurance adjusters?
According to Kogon, science says we can rewire our brains to decide between urgent tasks and important tasks. By deciphering between the two, we can increase productivity in our claims jobs.
How can you tell the difference between the two?
The difference between urgent and important is that if a task is important and you don’t handle it timely, there could be serious issues. Claims jobs always have urgent tasks such as a phone call from a Doctor’s office or lawyer. However, the important tasks are ones that insurance adjusters would be reprimanded for if they did not do. Such as, not getting a necessary notice out on time. These important tasks are the top priorities.
Kogon breaks it down more clearly by stating: “Ask yourself if something is urgent (phone ringing) and important (serious consequences if not handled). If it is both urgent and important, act on it. If it is urgent but not important — a distraction — set it aside. If it is not urgent and not important — a waste of time — set it aside. If it is not urgent but important, plan vigilantly to accomplish it before it becomes urgent.” – Kory Kogon
To be the most productive insurance adjuster, you have to sort out your daily tasks. First, focus on what needs to be done NOW and what can be set aside for a bit. If you do, you’ll be more effective throughout the day and you’ll find yourself getting caught up on tasks. Plus, being one of the most productive insurance adjusters has its benefits.
As an insurance adjuster, what would you say is an important task that should be handled immediately? What urgent tasks could be halted for later in your claims job?
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