Getting Your Message Across on the Telephone
- January 24, 2023
- Posted by: April Hilbert
- Category: Best Practices career planning Claims Adjuster Goals negotiation
In the world of claims adjusting, you often have important information to communicate over the phone.
A successful over the phone strategic claims negotiation need not start with unnecessary adversity or conflict caused by poor telephone etiquette or communication. In order to get your message across by telephone, make sure you stay in control of your emotions and the nature of your call. Here are some tips for getting your message across by phone when conducting business calls.
- Begin by saying “Good morning” or “Good afternoon”; allow the receiver to tune in to your voice. Then identify yourself and the organization for which you work.
- Time your calls carefully; ask the receiver if it is a good time to call. If it isn’t, ask them when would be a good time to call back.
- Smile while talking. You will transmit it through your voice.
- Always use the other party’s name and make a note of it.
- Try not to have your calls screened unnecessarily. It makes people think you are trying to avoid them.
- Ensure your audience will listen to your message by including something that will get their attention, interest, and whatever action you would like them to take.
- Try to get an insight into how the other person thinks. Pay attention to their verbal delivery attributes, non-verbal pauses, and use of words.
- Encourage cooperation by saying, “Will that be all right?” This keeps the other person in the conversation and encourages them to respond positively.
- Do not answer the telephone when you are eating, drinking, or in the middle of another conversation. And don’t cover the mouthpiece with your hand (unless you must cough — it is not a good idea to cough in someone’s ear!)
- When finished, be polite, say goodbye, again use the other person’s name, and then allow them to hang up first.
- Place “thank you” calls to those who have pleased you in some way.
To learn more about best practices in over the phone negotiation, how to gain your listeners’ attention, make clear points, and other necessary skills for successful claims negotiations, sign up for AE21’s Strategic Claims Negotiations Course.
This thorough and in-depth course covers the art of claims negotiation, with an emphasis on challenges faced by adjusters. AE21’s Strategic Claims Negotiations Course enhances an adjuster’s skills in claims negotiation. It is a detailed foray into concepts and principles that have proven successful time after time for decades. It will provide the tools with which to approach new claims disposition challenges. You’ll gain this foundation for claims negotiation while working your way through our user-friendly and engaging online course. If you are ready to get ahead as a negotiator and fulfill your CE requirements, enroll today!
You can enroll in Strategic Claims Negotiations at our eLearning platform HERE.
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