When you become an insurance claims adjuster and start negotiating claims, you may unwittingly fall for some pitfalls of poor negotiation strategies. There are three primary negotiation mistakes adjusters make: “High-Ball” Demands and “Low-Ball” Offers “One-Time” Offers Asking for a Demand While commonly used throughout the industry, these tactics are ineffective and, with very rare […]
In the world of claims adjusting, you often have important information to communicate over the phone. A successful over the phone strategic claims negotiation need not start with unnecessary adversity or conflict caused by poor telephone etiquette or communication. In order to get your message across by telephone, make sure you stay in control […]
These days, telephones have become tools for written or visual communication more so than for good old-fashioned talking on the phone. However, in many professions, claims adjusting being one of them, telephone conversations are a crucial part of your work. As an adjuster, you will spend a significant part of your day talking on […]
Day after day, millions of vehicles travel our roads, resulting in thousands of accidents and the claims that go along with them. This creates job security for those working in processing automobile damage claims. Automobile and motor vehicle property damage claims are handled by two different professionals, both of whom may be subject to […]
One of the most complex parts of working as an insurance adjuster is negotiating insurance claims. An often overlooked aspect of negotiations is the impact that culture has on those negotiations. Differences in cultural beliefs and/or perspectives among parties can make negotiations more difficult. The communication of important information and critical messages from one […]
As an insurance adjuster, a big part of your job is negotiating insurance claims. Negotiation is an ongoing process that doesn’t just take place at the end of a claim. The processes that influence the final negotiation actually begin when the adjuster receives a claim assignment, makes first contact with the involved parties, and […]
Negotiating insurance claims is one of the most complex activities of the claims profession, yet it is also an area in which adjusters get the least amount of training. Even most of the lawyers they work with don’t get training! The negotiation of claims presents a significant challenge, due in part to several subtle […]
In nearly every state, when it comes time to renew your Adjuster License, a certain number of your continuing education hours will have to be dedicated to the subject of ethics. This can amount to as many as 2 to 4 hours of ethics courses every two years, depending on your state. Does it seem […]
When faced with ethically challenging claims decisions as an insurance adjuster there are some key questions you need to ask. Ideally your employer will provide you with a safe environment that encourages you to ask ethics questions and helps you get the right answers. When making a decision or solving an ethical problem, we […]
Ethics is a major consideration when deciding to pay or deny a claim as an insurance adjuster. Is it ethical to deny an obviously compensable claim, or to pay a claim clearly not due? Is it ethical to take a position on either payment or denial when an investigation is still incomplete? The answers […]